Father John Misty | Fear Fun

Let me just start this one off with what is hands down one of the best lines in any song I’ve heard recently:

“I ran down the road, pants down to my knees
Screaming ‘please come help me, that Canadian shaman gave a little too much to me!'”

The song is “I’m Writing a Novel” and it’s the fourth track of Fear Fun, J Tillman’s (a.k.a Father John Misty) most recent album. I listened to it like five times in a row the other day and it’s fucking awesome. Now, I don’t know if he’s actually writing a novel…I suspect he probably isn’t buuut judging from the lyrics of the song, it’s a novel that I really want to read. The rest of the lyrics are equally weird but for me that line alone raises a slew of questions. Like what exactly is a Canadian Shaman? Because, in my mind it conjures an image of a hockey player, wearing a headdress distributing poutine laced with peyote outside of a Canucks game….but that’s just me.

Anyways, you may recognize Tillman as the former drum of Fleet Foxes. If Fleet Foxes isn’t really your bag don’t worry Father John Misty is a different beast all together and from what I understand a departure from Tillman’s previous work as well. He really covers a lot of ground with this one; there’s a little honky tonk, some alt country, a bit of freak folk and some good old fashion rock ‘n roll.

Check it:

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I'm a musician, amateur photographer and web designer.